
8/18/16 Notes to Myself: Feeling inspired… Listening to my intuition helps me unravel beauty from the inside out. It sets me on a powerful path to the source of my creativity. To hear it with more regularity I need to create space in which to sit with my eyes closed and listen. In the quiet […]

While I was Busy Doing Other Things….

9/14/15 Notes to Myself: I recently discovered this “installation” in a Magnolia tree in my backyard! Pretty hard to miss because it’s rather large. From what I’ve read this is a Bald-Faced Hornet’s nest and while I am steering clear of it, I am finding it an amazing work that has a beautiful architecture and […]

Tiger Lilies’ Unfold

7/12/15 Notes to Myself: Practicing meditation is an important part of my day. I notice so much more as I proceed within the next 24 hours. This week I came to a further understanding of the tiniest moments of change. The things that within a blink I can miss and so often do, never really […]


3/20/15 Notes to Myself: Over the past week I’m noticing how the act of becoming “still” is essential to my creative process. Sitting quietly in meditation, focusing on my breath and letting my thoughts flow and then move on opens pathways to my essential being. My essential being is creative! What I am discovering is […]