While I was Busy Doing Other Things….

9/14/15 Notes to Myself: I recently discovered this “installation” in a Magnolia tree in my backyard! Pretty hard to miss because it’s rather large. From what I’ve read this is a Bald-Faced Hornet’s nest and while I am steering clear of it, I am finding it an amazing work that has a beautiful architecture and […]

Beyond the Frame

8/12/15 Notes to Myself: I think it takes a certain amount of heart to see beyond a frame and to appreciate the art it may contain. Not everyone wants to do that. And perhaps they aren’t supposed to. And whether you are the viewer or within the contents of the frame there’s always more than […]

Tiger Lilies’ Unfold

7/12/15 Notes to Myself: Practicing meditation is an important part of my day. I notice so much more as I proceed within the next 24 hours. This week I came to a further understanding of the tiniest moments of change. The things that within a blink I can miss and so often do, never really […]