Gratitude is a Choice

4/28/15 Notes to Myself: Considering GRATITUDE a lot lately. Writing gratitude lists with regularity these days. That process helps put my life in perspective. I can top the list with: I am grateful for my life today! Gratitude is a choice. It’s always there waiting for me. It doesn’t have to be determined by circumstances. […]

Collaboration of Resources

4/9/15 Notes to Myself: “You can’t create in a vacuum. Life gives you the material and dreams can propel new beginnings.” -Byron Pulsifer Life does give one “material”. I love that! However, this often means I need time in quiet to distill the multitude of material that can be contained in a day vying for […]


4/3/15 Notes to Myself: How much do you know about an artist simply by looking at their work? I’ve often wondered about the written analysis of art work. While the academic intellectualized interpretation can be helpful I’ve always had a desire to know a little more about what the artist may have been experiencing. Often […]