Tiger Lilies’ Unfold

7/12/15 Notes to Myself:

tiger lilies

Practicing meditation is an
important part of my day. I
notice so much more as I
proceed within the next 24 

This week I came to a further
understanding of the tiniest
moments of change. The things
that within a blink I can
miss and so often do, never 
really considering the magic
all around me in every single

A birdbath surrounded
by wild Tiger Lilies' rests 
outside my kitchen window. Each 
morning I have the pleasure
of their presence. And while I
have appreciated them always
for some reason I started to
wonder about how they move
and open each day. I recognized
the brilliance within that event.

Each morning, they greet me in
a closed position. Delicate
orange/yellow soft spikes extending
from long green stems almost 
waiting for the day. I may walk
away for 15 or 20 minutes to come
back to a vision of fully open
blooms like two hands meeting
at the base with fingers spread
outward and open. 

How did this change happen? Why
did I let myself miss that
transformation? I want to watch 
and experience this unfolding. 
It's too precious to miss. And
I can! I can watch it happen!

I want to spend more time just
noticing and observing. Being in
stillness so that I can experience
the many wonders all around me that
do seem fleeting when I can't stop
and meditate or be still.

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