Crafting Greatness

6/13/17 Notes to Myself: In all the world there is a common thread of greatness. Built of atoms. We matter. The arrangements may vary and the external forms differentiated. The potential exponential if we see our common bond. It’s all there. Inside. Nothing to be created. Built of atoms. We matter.


3/5/15 Notes to Myself:Creativity is part of my nature. Although, I don’t always acknowledge my creative potential. By denying this innate capability I deny a vast range of opportunity and on some level avoid accepting responsibility for my life. The fact is, I always have choice. I always have creativity. On any given day I […]

Becoming Undone

1/22/15 Notes to Myself:Sometimes I find my artistic expression mirroring my internal journey. I don’t always understand or see it. On occasion there comes a signpost of awareness direct to my heart and spirit. Affirmation of the path emerges. Lately I feel as though I am becoming “undone”, broken, exposed and vulnerable. Pieces of me […]

Gasping For Air

1/14/15 Notes to Myself:Small steps. I’m walking on the heels of inspiration and trust. This feels like trying to walk on water. I’m not sure I can float if I fall. I might lose everything… Sometimes that’s how I feel in life and within the process of creating. Not trusting the process I can work […]

Living on the Precipice

12/30/14 Notes to Myself: As the year comes to a close I realize how much courage it takes to live on the “precipice” of life. It takes even more to “jump off” and sometimes I don’t want to. But I can’t experience living any other way. So I’m learning how to fly! I know I […]

Talent – Does it Matter?

“Talent is a snare and a delusion. In the end, the practical questions about talent come down to these:  Who cares? Who would know? and What difference would it make?  And the practical answers are: Nobody, Nobody, and None.”Art and Fear by David Bales and Ted Orland Talent isn’t something I’ve thought about in a […]