Scared and Present

2/19/16 Notes to Myself: Standing in the unknown. I am here! Looking straight ahead yet not in the future. Letting memories of the past melt down my back. Oh, how exposed I can feel. Standing in the unknown. I am here! How can that be? Yet it is. Artist, mother, woman,former wife who are these […]

Gasping For Air

1/14/15 Notes to Myself:Small steps. I’m walking on the heels of inspiration and trust. This feels like trying to walk on water. I’m not sure I can float if I fall. I might lose everything… Sometimes that’s how I feel in life and within the process of creating. Not trusting the process I can work […]

Talent – Does it Matter?

“Talent is a snare and a delusion. In the end, the practical questions about talent come down to these:  Who cares? Who would know? and What difference would it make?  And the practical answers are: Nobody, Nobody, and None.”Art and Fear by David Bales and Ted Orland Talent isn’t something I’ve thought about in a […]

One Painting at a Time…

One Painting at a Time…One Day at a Time. I’m reminded over the past weeks how my journey as an artist so clearly parallels my life.  The two are not separate entities but a beautiful dynamic relationship from which patience can be developed and is frequently needed. What I am learning to embrace is the […]