Nancy Shaver – The Inspiration in Challenge

10/21/18 Contemporary art tends to raise a lot of questions in my mind. Sometimes I’m not sure if it stretches my perceptions and understanding of art. With that being said I seem to keep coming back! I came across Nancy Shaver in a list of artists from a show Dime-Store Alchemy at the FLAG Art […]

Mona Hatoum – Displaced Containment?

9/11/18 What are your childhood memories like of home? I think that’s what I resonated with when I came across this installation piece while investigating the art of Mona Hatoum. In viewing some of her work before reading anything about the artist I found myself experiencing an inner conflict. Most of the pieces I came […]

Miniatures to Murals Unhinged

8/4/17 “What does an image mean when it’s unhinged from it’s own representation.” Shahzia Sikander Shahzia Sikander is a contemporary artist who’s voice seems poignant and relevant. This statement is from an interviews with her that I recently listened to. I resonated with it because it made me consider more deeply the meaning of things […]

Beyond the Canvas Borders

8/20/15 Notes to Myself: A canvas in it’s literal interpretation is a closely woven cloth. In the art world its often stretched over a wood frame and painted upon. Many artists expand on the more traditional interpretation of “canvas”. While I paint what I see in nature, on canvas, in the literal sense. The following […]

A Globalized Aesthetic

Last night I attended an exhibit called “World Sampler” at Artworks in Trenton, NJ. It was a group exhibit with a variety of works of art that spoke to an emerging “globalized aesthetic”.  It also touched on the idea that “we live in a world that is constantly changing and becoming conceptually smaller and more […]