Life and Death

12/13/16 Notes to Myself: Life and death seem to do this dance that I’m not sure I always like being a part of. But I am. A present witness to it all. In the midst of mourning the loss of a treasured friend I simultaneously notice all the new experiences birthing themselves around me. That’s […]

Youth, Heart and Art

This quote by Picasso says a lot for me.  In so many ways it draws me to the beauty and uninhibited creativity of a child.  The pure unadulterated joy of taking paint, a crayon, a marker or whatever and just letting it flow on the paper.  Too often as we grow into adulthood this part […]


Do you ever catch yourself focusing on all the things that “aren’t working” in your life? I realize ever so humbly that often this can be my tendency… It’s not helpful as an artist or very meaningful as it removes me from the source of my being. My very nature. As I accept my character […]

Purpose Passion?

“If you can’t figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose.”—  Bishop T.D. Jakes Wow!  As I was reviewing my “inbox” this morning I came across something from my subscription to “Oprah’s Thought for Today Newsletter” and this was in the header.  It validated so […]