Traveling Artist

11/22/19 The blank canvas aches. they said I could do anything… ANYTHING until one day i learned anything but art can’t support yourself with that confused questioning feeling my insides vanish standing frozen gasping for breath veins closing muscles atrophying maybe I was 9 the blank canvas ached. where would I go? how could I […]

Art and Anger

11/8/19 Anger rests inside me without my awareness. Do you resonate? Over time, becoming skilled at “stuffing” it I suffered in silence. It’s destructive nature lived in my body manifesting in other forms of expression. Art wasn’t one of them, but the feelings were there, brewing. A poison all too familiar to my soul. Why? […]

Figuratively Speaking – Mira Dancy

7/3/18 This week I’m back to visiting some contemporary art and came across Mira Dancy. Dancy came to painting through the encouragement of some college professors while at Bard College. She later received her MFA from Columbia University. Growing up as one of 10 children she recalls her mother giving birth at home and by […]

Dreams like Water Droplets

6/26/17 Notes to Myself: Dreams, like water droplets cling to the slippery, sharp edge like water droplets. Waiting to fall or evaporate into something else. Yet there they are so beautiful from the outside. Perfect in their form before they have begun to travel. Shall I go up close and look inside their shiny reflection? […]